William Lutz
Hey, I'm Will Lutz

Hey, I'm Will Lutz

I'm an entrepreneur-turned-academia-exec based in Northern NJ. I have started or helped start four companies, served on a nuclear powered submarine, and coached hundreds of student-entrepreneurs.
Since leaving the military in 2013, I have focused on the super-early-stage startup companies, particularly in enterprise software. How to build them, how to support them, how to grow them. These days I do it at a university and get to see really cool science turned into startups.
I'm also a proud Dad of two little dork-lets and married to an awesome Doctor-Mom, Erin.

My Education

Master of Business Administration

Carnegie Mellon University, May 2015
Concentration in Entrepreneurship, Graduate Entrepreneurship Club President, Net Impact, Robber Barons Student Newspaper Contributor

Economics, B.S.

Carnegie Mellon University, May 2008
International Honor Society for Economics, University Honors, Senior Project Award, Distinguished Service Award

Other Stuff About Me

Some of the stuff to get to know me as a person, besides my work history.
  • I am a giant Star Trek dork. I grew up on ST:TNG but am a fan of all of it.
  • I enjoy building things in the real world. Maybe it's because my career revolves around software, but in my free time I enjoy doing a bit of hobby-quality woodworking.
  • Once a year, I break out my homebrew equipment and make a homemade holiday beer. I can be a bit of a beer snob, but not in an obnoxious way. I hope.
  • My favorite vacation is sailing. While in grad school, I got to sail the British Virgin Island for a few years. It is a blast and my favorite get-away-from-it-all style trip.
  • Climate and sustainability tech is a personal passion of mine. I like reading about it, learning about it, and working to support it.